Talent Scout

Talent Scout

Vivid presents Talent Scout. Beautifully European women in steamy hot, nasty sex acts. A major film shot on location in Budapest. “A perfect 10” and the “Editors Choice” — AVN.

Lots of hot, natural-bodied Euro-babes getting nailed by unshaven foreign studs and our own Bobby Vitale. What more could you want? Well, a better transfer for starters, as this one tends to be muddy and loaded with color moirl Detail, however, isn’t bad, despite some infrequent edge pixelation.

Like most Vivid discs, Talent Scout is loaded with extras, few of which have any relation to the film itself. There are a scant few moments of alternate angles, some of which look suspiciously similar to shots used earlier or later in the same-sex scene. — Critical Rating: AAAA 1/2 (AVN)

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