

Poor Girl Lola is about to marry rich boy Manny. Manny’s mom wants the wedding squelched. She hires model Ramon to get in between them. In the end, Ramon falls for Lola, and Lola falls for Manny’s dad, and mom is left alone. Ain’t love a mother?

Excellent change-partners drama where Michael J. Cox, smitten with fiance-to-be Ava Vincent, encounters resistance from his mom/trust fund executor Sharon Kane because she’s the “daughter of a whore,” said whore (Rebecca Bardoux) being the paramour of Cox’s dad/Kane’s hubby Mike Horner. While Cox dawdles, Vincent tells Cox she’s anticipating, just to force his hand. It works. He proposes, but won’t tell Kane. — AVN

The family fortune is tied up in underwear manufacturing, giving Kane access to a number of model/studs (Dale DaBone, Evan Stone) she can bribe to seduce Vincent away from Cox and just for good measure Kane berates Vincent to Cox so badly (“Girls like that, you don’t marry them, you fuck them and discard them”) that Cox seeks solace in the arms and pussy of Bardoux! Like father, like son.

Then Kane goes to get a progress report from DaBone and, unable to resist him, winds up fucking him instead. Vincent, heavily pursued by DaBone, gets a stick-with-Cox pep talk from Bardoux, who knows whereof she speaks, and then Vincent goes off for a talk-it-over drive with Horner, as Evan Stone does a naked mambo with Banks, just to keep it interesting. Later, Bardoux tells Vincent that back in the day, she loved Horner, but his mother hated her, and there went that. Vincent, braced by this, goes to Cox and demands he confront momma Kane. When he stalls, she finds DaBone in a bar and does him on a table, scaring away the customers and getting the participation of bartender Kelsey. Cox, dispirited, tells Kane that Vincent is now in love with DaBone, and things get more and more complicated until the devastating conclusion.

The film is enlivened by spirited sex performances by veterans Bardoux, Horner, and especially Kane, who responds to DaBone’s “I want you to suck my cock” with an anguished “Oh God!” that says “This is so wrong” and “I want it so bad” all in two moaned syllables. Support pre-noms for all three, and a hearty thank-you to all concerned for demonstrating that there is (sex) life after 30. A cinematography pre-nom to Ralph Parfait and Jane Waters, one to Raven Touchstone for her script, and especially one to PT for his light-handed direction making the heavy subject matter appear complicated rather than sordid. Some heavy editing around the two-hour mark, including an abbreviated sex scene, keep this out of Editor’s Choice territory, but an excellent drama for the plot-driven or couples shelf. Seven sex scenes.

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